Can you register a trademark in the same class?
Registering your trade mark under a specific class prevents someone from registering the same or similar trade mark within the same class. It does not prevent someone potentially registering a similar trade mark in a different class(es), so be sure to register your trademark in all the classes you think are relevant.
Can two people trademark?
Yes, you can trademark something with joint ownership. A trademark can have multiple owners. If two or more parties wish to acquire joint ownership, they may file jointly for the trademark. As with any trademark, a jointly owned trademark must be used to promote or sell goods or services.
Can I register a trademark for services or products that are similar?
The trademark office can pinpoint registered trademarks that are similar to yours through the class and description of your service or product. But the similarity of a registered trademark to yours isn’t necessarily enough to keep you from registering yours if the services or products are dissimilar.
What does same name same class mean for trademarks?
“Trademark, same name, same class” is an expression that means more than one business entity registering the same trademark name in the same product and service class with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). There are several classes in which trademarks can be registered.
Can I trademark my first name as a brand name?
For example, the name “JESSICA” is trademarked for a line of skin care products. Since trademarks deal with the way that your products and services are presented to your customer, you may choose to utilize your first name as part of your brand identity. From our article Can I Trademark My Initials?
How much does it cost to register a trademark?
You can only register a trademark if you are the first to file. If someone else holds trademark protection on an identical or similar mark, your application will be rejected. The cost to register a trademark online is between $275 and $325 for each class of goods and services. There are more than 40 different classes of goods and services.