What religion does Albania follow?
According to the latest census figures from 2011, over half (56.7 per cent) of Albania’s 2.8 million population are self-declared Muslims, the majority of which are Sunni, ten per cent are Catholics, almost 7 per cent identify as Orthodox, 5.5 per cent say they do not have a religion, 2.5 per cent identify as atheist …
Is Albania a tolerant country?
Though the choice to convert may seem a surprising one to many, the reality is that Albania has long been regarded as a place of religious tolerance and harmony. The predominant religions are Islam and Christianity, with Muslims making up more than half the population.
How important is religion in Albania?
Religious observance and practice is generally lax today, and polls have shown that, compared to the populations of other countries, few Albanians consider religion to be a dominant factor in their lives. Being a secular country today, people are free to choose to believe or not, and to change their faith and beliefs.
Who are Albania’s enemies?
Albanians textbooks say that their biggest enemies are Slavic people or as the textbooks describe it “their united chauvinistic neighbours”. Serbs are seen as the invaders, dictators and the nation that always terrorised the Albanians.
Is Albania a secular country?
Albania has been a secular state since its founding in 1912, despite various changes in political systems. The constitution recognizes the equality of religious communities and the state is neutral in the questions of faith.
Who are Albania allies?
It also maintains strong diplomatic relations with the EU, Balkan countries, Arab world, Canada, China, Croatia, France, Germany, Turkey, Italy, Israel, India, Japan, South Korea, Switzerland, UK and the United States.
Can we defeat sectarianism in the Middle East?
Sectarianism and sectarian conflict in the Middle East are often presented as having centuries-old religious and theological roots. It is often said that sectarianism runs so deep in the region that it cannot be defeated, and we shouldn’t bother trying.
What is the sectarian conflict between Sunni and Shia Muslims?
In reality, the sectarian conflict between Sunni and Shia Muslims in the Middle East is a modern, revisionist phenomenon – mostly a reaction to specific modern-day events and problems.
What can religious representatives do to defuse sectarian tension?
In some respects, religious representatives are well-placed to defuse sectarian tension. They tend to publically oppose the politicization of sectarian divisions, and can be instrumental in deradicalization.
What is the role of Lebanon’s religious leaders?
Lebanon’s religious leaders tend to reflect a series of paradoxes that greatly complicate any facile interpretation of their roles. While they are religious representatives, their leadership is not organic. Rather, they are products of elite clerical hierarchies, and so represent particular institutions before their communities at large.