What do Star Trek captains say?
Captain Jean-Luc Picard corners the market on catchphrases with his Star Trek: The Next Generation usage of “Make it so!” This utterance is second only to Picard’s other well-known command, perhaps Star Trek’s greatest catchphrase: “Engage!”
Who was a better Captain Kirk or Picard?
From his skill set as a master debater to Patrick Stewart’s acting techniques, Picard is very clearly the better captain all the way around. Not only is he more by the books than Kirk, but he also is more willing to work with his entire crew and not just the same two men every mission.
What was Captain Kirk’s favorite line?
“What is a man but that lofty spirit, that sense of enterprise, that devotion for something that cannot be sensed, cannot be realized but only dreamed, the highest reality?” – Captain James T Kirk.
Who is captain of the Enterprise after Picard?
The new canonical Star Trek: Picard prequel novel has revealed who replaced Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) as the Captain of the Enterprise: Worf (Michael Dorn).
Was Spock more popular than Kirk?
Kirk, the character who received the most attention, and the most fan mail, was Mr. Spock.
What is the difference between a starship captain and a Commodore?
A starship captain usually commands a single vessel, but a Commodore ordinarily commands more than one ship. Usually Commodores command a group of ships (either close to their flagship or distant), or in the case of TOS, they normally command a starbase.
Who is Commodore Matt Decker in Star Trek?
William Windom as Commodore Matt Decker. Unlike Commodore Bob Wesley, who was only in temporary command of the Lexington, Matt Decker is a Flag Officer with permanent field command of a starship. In fact, he’s the only Flag Officer we see in Star Trek with a field command.
What does the star on a Star Trek insignia mean?
When paired with a distinctive, elongated “star” the insignia represents someone assigned to the Command division aboard ship. When it displays the “planet” symbol, it represents the Sciences division, a stylized “e” stands for Engineering (later Operations), and a red “Swiss Cross” is worn by starship personnel assigned to the Nursing Corps.
What is the significance of decker’s fleet command insignia?
In fact, he’s the only Flag Officer we see in Star Trek with a field command. As a consequence of Commodore Decker’s rank and status as Commander of the U.S.S. Constellation (his flagship), he wears the Fleet Command Insignia denoting his status as a Flag Officer in the field.