Do reversible engines exist?
These are not realizable, but they are what makes the process reversible. Real cycles never achieve this. A Carnot engine is one which operates on the Carnot cycle. The carnot cycle has two reversible adiabatic processes and two isothermal processes.
What are reversible engines?
The engine, in which the process can be retraced at any stage of its operation by reversing the boundary conditions, is called a reversible heat engine. Its efficiency is maximum, as no dissipation of energy takes place against friction, etc in such a heat engine.
Is Carnot engine a reversible engine?
For the Carnot engine, the entire process is ‘reversible’, and Equation (7) is an equality.
Do reversible processes exist?
Since it would take an infinite amount of time for a reversible process to finish, perfectly reversible processes are impossible. However, if a system undergoing the change by a process responds much faster than the applied change by the process, then the deviation from reversibility may be negligible.
Is the Ericsson cycle reversible?
Ericsson Cycle was invented by Ericsson, which consists of two isothermal and two constant pressure processes. It is made thermodynamically reversible by the action of a regenerator.
Is a Carnot engine possible?
While Carnot engines are ideal engines, in reality, no engine achieves Carnot’s theoretical maximum efficiency, since dissipative processes, such as friction, play a role. Carnot cycles without heat loss may be possible at absolute zero, but this has never been seen in nature.
What is a real life example of a reversible reaction?
Instead, the reaction will come to equilibrium if the concentrations of the reactants and products remain constant. An example of a reversible process in our daily lives is melting ice into water and freezing water into ice. [1-6].