How many days can a Government employee take leave?
Earned Leave (EL)/Leave on Average Pay (LAP) – Currently, 30 days of earned leave is granted for a year to civilian employees. The number of earned leaves provided to defence personnel is 60 days. Earned leaves can be accumulated up to 300 days.
How many CL can be taken continuously?
CHAPTER-IX LEAVE 9.1 Casual Leave: With effect from Ist January, 1998 the maximum amount of casual leave admissible to the staff serving in civil offices of the Government of India shall be 8 days in a calendar year subject to the condition that not more than 5 days casual leave may be allowed at any time.
How do you write leave permission on a station?
This is to inform, that I shall be out of station from at AM/PM to at AM/PM for the Purpose of . I may kindly be granted head quarter leaving permission for the aforesaid period. During this period, I shall be available in the following address/contact no.
What is casual leave rules?
Casual Leave: These leave are granted for certain unforeseen situation or were you are require to go for one or two days leaves. In case of casual leave normally company’s strict maximum to 3 days in a month. In these case either the person has to take the permission in advance or has to be regulated on joining.
Who is eligible for earned leave?
EARNED LEAVE: As per Mines Act 1952 a worker is entitled for Earned Leave with wages @ 1 day earned leave per 20 days of service rendered on Surface and 1 day of Earned Leave per 15 days of service rendered in the underground subject to the maximum of 15 days in a calendar year.
How do you ask leave to manager for out of station?
Sir I’m an employee of your company. I’m going out of station for few days. I have some work in my native place and I need to go there. I humbly request you to give me 3 days leave ( that is from _____ to_____).
What is the format of application for leave?
I am writing this application to inform that I am taking my leave for a long period. Since my yearly allowance is left, hence I would like to avail of all my leaves. I request you to kindly approve my leave for 20 days, as I will be going for a long vacation with my family and will stay out of the station these days.
What are fundamental rules?
Fundamental Rules (FRs) are the set of general rules by which all Government Servants. whose pay is debitable to the Civil Estimates and to any other class of Government Servants too. which the President of India may, by general or special order, declare them to be applicable.
What are service rules?
Service Rules means the Conduct, Discipline and Appeal rules and the applicable Standing Orders, as the case may be.
Do we need prior permission to leave station/ headquarters while on leave?
G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M.F.No.11013/8/2015-Estt.A-III, dated 29.6.2015 Subject: Requirement of taking prior permission for leaving station/ headquarters from going abroad while on leave. Undersigned is directed to say that a need for further streamlining the procedure for grant of permission for going abroad on private visit has been felt.
What are the different types of leave for central government employees?
A brief on all Types of Leave applicable to Central Government Employees as per Leave Rules – Earned Leave, Half Pay Leave, Commuted Leave, Leave Not Due, Maternity Leave, Paternity Leave, Study Leave, Extraordinary Leave, Chile Care Leave and More
When to change the location of an employee’s official duty station?
The agency must change the employee’s official duty station to the location of the telework site (the location of his or her home, telework center, or other alternate worksite) if the employee does not regularly commute into the main or reporting office, except in certain temporary situations.
What are the leave rules?
7.1 LEAVE RULES 7.1.1. Introduction Leave is a provision to stay away from work for genuine reasons with prior approval of the authorities. It may be granted for a casual purpose or a planned activity, on medical grounds or in extra-ordinary conditions. Leave cannot be claimed as a matter of right.