Why didnt the Republic reprogram droids?
Firstly because they weren’t that efficient. The CIS’ battledroids outnumbered the clones 100:1 and yet the clones were holding up on their own. Secondly the Republic would’ve to make huge production capacities. Since the droids are so ineffective the Republic would’ve to create a huge number of them.
Did non clones fight for the Republic during the Clone Wars?
Though most HoloNet-documented battles were fought by the all-clone Grand Army and their Jedi officers during the Clone Wars, the non-clone Republic Army engaged in many battles throughout the galaxy without the aid of a single clone trooper.
Why did Palpatine stop using droids?
Palpatine knew that the Separatists were useless now, so he basically stopped all production of battle droids just so the Separatists also don’t get any ideas to overthrow him. If he continued producing droids, people would get suspicious.
Why didn’t the rebels use droids?
You need factories to build the parts and more factories to assemble the droids. You need large shipments of raw materials to these factories. You need maintenance facilities and charging stations. The Rebel Alliance was constantly on the move from one base to another, hiding from the empire.
Why didn’t the Empire keep using clones?
Using its huge population to form an army was the best, easiest option for the Empire, so clones were unnecessary. Basically, the Empire was not in a hurry to create an army and therefore to create clones, so they allowed the clones to slowly disappear while they created their own army.
Are Old Republic Troopers clones?
So no they aren’t clones. Also the Troopers in this game are the Elite, one of the few Non-Jedi Units the Republic has (Other than Jedi etc) that would make the Empire maybe rethink how it goes about things. Troopers in the Clone wars were for the most part pure cannon fodder.
Did any non clones wear clone armor?
They were issued clone trooper armor that had been modified to fit the non-clone soldiers who were physically different from their clone counterparts as well as each other. During the Imperial Era, clone armor remained an occasional sight in the galaxy despite being retired by the Empire.
When did stormtroopers become bad?
Their dominance of the stormtrooper ranks, however, began to erode by 12 BBY after a failed rebellion on Kamino exposed a secret army of clones that had been engineered to fight against the Galactic Empire.
Did the rebels use battle droids?
Most of the droids gained by the rebels were originally used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems, while the rest were deactivated by the Empire and put in storage houses that were not placed under heavy guard, allowing rebel soldiers to ambush them and reprogram all the battle droids inside.
How did Palpatine take control of the Galaxy?
The Jedi attempt on his life allowed Palpatine to execute his plan to seize full control over the galaxy. He branded the Jedi as traitors and issued Order 66 to the Grand Army of the Republic, leading to the destruction of the Jedi Order.
Why did Palpatine order his stormtroopers to kill all Jedi?
Because he is a Dark Lord of the Sith, Palpatine ordered his Stormtroopers to terminate every Jedi they could. As Palpatine is Chancellor of the Republic, that’s a very risky move, as people could see that as an extreme abuse of power.
Which Jedi Masters confronted Palpatine?
Jedi Masters Mace Windu, Kit Fisto, Saesee Tiin, and Agen Kolar confronted Chancellor Palpatine upon learning of his secret identity as a Sith Lord.
How did Mace Windu and Palpatine duel Darth Sidious?
With the Clone Wars reaching its end and the revelation that Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine was secretly Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith, Mace Windu and fellow members of the Jedi Council engaged Palpatine in a lightsaber duel in the Chancellor’s office on Coruscant.