What happened to Darth Vader after the first Death Star blew up?
Darth Vader was spun out into space in his TIE fighter after it got hit by blasts from the Millennium Falcon.
Where was Emperor Palpatine when the Death Star blew up?
the throne room
Palpatine battling Galen Marek within the throne room. The Emperor’s throne room on the first Death Star was located in an observation dome at the top of a tower placed directly next to the station’s superlaser. The platform served as Palpatine’s watchtower in order to view the laser’s firing demonstrations.
Who destroyed the first Death Star?
Luke Skywalker
Both Death Stars were destroyed by the Rebel Alliance shortly after they became operational. The first Death Star was destroyed by Luke Skywalker, with the help of Han Solo, and the second Death Star was destroyed by Wedge Antilles and Lando Calrissian.
What happened to the Empire after the Death Star was destroyed?
After the Death Star was destroyed, the economy of the Empire’s reach, specifically their stocks in Sienar Fleet Systems and Kuat Drive Yards (Manufacturing companies of the Imperial Navy Fleet, specifically its TIE fighters and Star Destroyers) fell drastically after stockholders feared that the Empire was in turmoil.
Did Darth Vader create the Rebel Alliance to kill Princess Leia?
EDT claim: Darth Vader had ties to the Rebel Alliance. His very own son was one of their pilots, and it was later discovered that Princess Leia herself was his daughter. This proves that Vader likely created the Rebel Alliance in order to back up the story that the Death Star was attack by such a terrorist organization.
Did Darth Vader know that he had children?
Star was attack by such a terrorist organization. Reality: Darth Vader had no knowledge that he had children. The members of the Old Republic, specifically General Kenobi and Jedi Master Yoda, kept that a secret since the end of the Clone Wars.
Was the Death Star explosion a hoax?
The Death Star explosion footage, which they say proves that the Death Star destruction was in fact a hoax. Below are their comparison shots, where you see two vastly different explosions of the Death Star (See Exhibit B below).