Did the emperor kill Padme to save Anakin?
Palpatine already knew how to influence the midichlorians to create life and save people from dying. So, as Anakin was dying from his wounds on Mustafar, the Emperor siphoned the Living Force from Padmé and brought it to Anakin. Thus, she died as he was reborn as Darth Vader.
What killed Padme Amidala?
broken heart
Amidala, who learned of her husband’s transformation into a Sith, ultimately died of a broken heart after giving birth to the twins Luke Skywalker and Leia Amidala Skywalker.
Why did obiwan left Anakin?
By the time they figured out Darth Sidious’ plans, Anakin had already pledged his allegiance to the Dark Lord of the Sith. Still, it’s clear Obi-Wan cared greatly for his former Padawan, even in his last moments. So instead, Obi-Wan left him limbless, not expecting Palpatine would come to rescue his fallen Padawan.
Why did Darth Vader choke Padme?
Simple answer: Anakin did not intend to kill Padme. He forced-choked Padme because of his anger at what he perceived to be a collusion between her and Obi-wan to assassinate him.
Did Palpatine have Anakin’s mother killed?
Molded and shaped by external forces that amplified his latent dark inclinations, Anakin first killed in anger after the murder of his mother Shmi in Attack of the Clones. However, a thoughtful new theory suggests that Emperor Sheev Palpatine — and not the Tusken Raiders — who was the one behind Shmi’s death.
What is the age difference between Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala?
She had always behaved older than her age and had recently become the youngest Queen of Naboo, but she too was still fairly young in years. Padmé was born in the year 46 BBY on Naboo, and Anakin was born five years later, in the year 41 BBY. That makes Padmé five years older than Anakin.
Why was Anakin afraid of Padme dying?
This is because Anakin killed the separatists out of hatred, not out of necessity – he did not hate the children but he sacrificed them in order to save Padmé. Anakin is afraid to lose Padmé – he don’t want her to die, and he don’t want her to leave him.
Why did Obi-Wan not help Anakin?
Moreover, Anakin was not calling for help; he was screaming “I HATE YOU!” So, as far as Obi-Wan was concerned, Anakin didn’t want help. And because Obi-Wan couldn’t bring himself to put Anakin out of his misery, he left his fate to the Force. , Student of Star Wars lore since it changed my world in 1977.
Why did Obi-Wan not finish off Anakin?
Aside from his stellar abilities with a lightsaber, Obi-Wan is also careful to adhere to the Jedi Code. Even when he watches his protégé slip toward the dark side. That’s one of the reasons he fails to kill Anakin as he lies helpless — well, legless — and burning on Mustafar.
How did Padme become pregnant?
Senator Padmé Amidala of the planet Naboo became pregnant during the Clone Wars with her husband, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, as the father. She gave birth to twins, Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa.
What are Padme’s last words?
The subtitles and script show some of Padme’s final words to Obi Wan as “There is still good in him.” Every time I watch this I swear she says “Obi Wan… there’s quite a name.” I have always thought of it as her recognizing him for everything he has done over the trilogy.