Who would win in a fight Luke Cage or Hulk?
To put it simply, either Cage calms Hulk down or Hulk smashes Cage in five to ten minutes. Luke Cage could last a bit. Hulk will definitely feel Luke Cage strikes, and even though he’s just a street brawler, he’s a little more classically trained than the rage monster that is Hulk.
Who did She-Hulk sleep with?
the Juggernaut
It is claimed that the She-Hulk had slept with the Juggernaut, based on the events of Uncanny X-Men #435. However, as revealed in She-Hulk (Vol. 2) #21, this turned out to be the Jennifer Walters of Earth-721.
Who is the Hulk’s love interest?
Betty Ross Banner
Betty Ross Banner – The daughter of Thunderbolt Ross and Bruce Banner’s most enduring love interest, later his wife.
Is Luke Cage married to She-Hulk?
It did provide a funny moment when Clay went nuts when he realized Tony Stark was moving in on She-Hulk. Luke Cage is best known as the man who married and had a child with Jessica Jones. The two have been mainstays in the world of The Avengers for years since they got together.
Is She-Hulk in love with any of her love interests?
She-Hulk has a rough reputation in Marvel Comics, and it almost seems unfair to the character. At the start, she had a lot of bad love choices. Much of that was because of Starfox and an enchantment that he cast onto her. However, the truth is that her love interests should not have garnered the attention they did.
Do She-Hulk and Wingfoot have a relationship?
He was perfect for She-Hulk, tall, strong, and confident. During the time that She-Hulk had replaced The Thing in the FF, the two met and started dating. The two then dated for much of the ’80s, and Wingfoot was one of She Hulk’s most normal boyfriends. The one She-Hulk love interest that remains a joke in the world of Marvel Comics is Juggernaut.
Is She-Hulk in a relationship with Juggernaut?
First of all, Juggernaut is a villain, and second, there has been at least one hero who shot down She-Hulk’s advances due to it when Wolverine said he didn’t want “Juggernaut’s sloppy seconds.” She-Hulk and Juggernaut hooked up in the pages of Uncanny X-Men #435.