Are Tolkien Elves perfect?
Tolkien’s elves were not all perfect and wise. Nobody in all the Middle-Earth writings was perfect, except possibly Ilúvatar himself. While most elves are indeed wiser than the shorter-lived races, that is because they learned their wisdom the hard way: through making mistakes. And they’ve made a lot of them.
Is feanor good or bad?
Feanor was bad, because he allowed his pride not only to master him, but to corrupt his family as well, and turned against his friends and family.
How are Elves described by Tolkien?
The Elves were the fairest creatures in Arda, a far more beautiful race than Men, and generally tall (about six feet). Elves had keener senses than Men. They were slender, graceful yet strong, and were resistant to extremes of nature, illness and disease.
Are Elves wise?
The Elves in general were very wise, possessing a great deal of experience. Tolkien successfully distinguishes between Elves by limiting their experiences and filtering their values through cultural motifs. Hence, Legolas thinks of the Elves of Eregion as strange and foreign to his own woodland folk.
Why did Tolkien like Elves so much?
Tolkien hated those representations, and he wanted to display Elves as something different. Tolkien’s Elves are essentially humans – a Catholic perspective of humans if the Biblical Fall had never happened. Tall, beautiful and immortal – yet still being flawed and having free will.
What type of ELF is Fëanor?
Ñoldorin elf
Fëanor was a Ñoldorin elf and one of the Elven kindred that departed from Valinor in the land of Aman, where they had lived with the Valar.
What do Silvan elves look like?
Wood-elves in the video game “The Hobbit” In the film adaptions of The Hobbit, Beorn describes the Woodland Elves as being less wise and more dangerous than their kin. Most of the Silvan Elves are shown to have red hair, and some have brown.
What did elves look like before Tolkien?
It seems like what we know about the appearance of Elves is that: They were generally taller than humans. Most Noldor and Teleri had dark brown or black hair, Vanyar had blonde hair, and some Teleri and at least one Noldo (Miriel) had silver hair.
Why did Tolkien like elves so much?
How are Tolkien’s Elves different from traditional elves and fairies?
J.R.R. Tolkien re-imagined elves for fantasy readers, but despite his popularity people remain confused about where his elves were different from traditional elves and fairies. The Book of Lost Tales used characters based on traditional archetypes and Tolkien gradually changed them over time.
Who are the elves in The Lord of the Rings?
Tolkien’s elves are the firstborn sons of the creator God of Tolkien’s allegorical world, Middle Earth. Being the firstborn of the creator, however, doesn’t mean the elves were the first race of bipeds on Middle Earth, a lesser god had already created the dwarves.
What is the relationship between the Ainur and elves?
The Elves were like Ainur in spirit; they loved all beauty of nature, especially water, the Sea and the stars, since they were the first things they saw; as a consequence Ulmo and Varda were the Ainur closest to them. They were marked by an insatiable curiosity and a desire of learning and creating.
Are Tolkien’s Elves immortal?
No, Tolkien’s elves are NOT immortal because their bodies can be killed and if that doesn’t happen they eventually fade, a process which Tolkien didn’t fully explain. We are sure that a fully faded elf is just a “houseless spirit”, a ghost.