Is 519 MCAT good enough?
Attaining a score of 519 on the MCAT means you performed in the 98\% percentile. An even distribution for the section scores is preferred.
Is 514 MCAT score good?
To get an excellent MCAT score means to score in the overall 90th percentile, which currently means a score of 515 or greater. Anything above the score of 517 is considered as outstanding. With that kind of score, it will be difficult for med schools to reject your application!
Is 510 a good MCAT?
Without taking other factors into account, the ideal MCAT score is 510 or above with a score of at least 127-128 on each section. For 2020-2021, the average applicant scored a 506.4 on the MCAT while the average matriculant scored a 511.5.
Does everyone get into Harvard with a perfect GPA and MCAT?
Not everyone who gets into Harvard has a perfect GPA and MCAT! Below is the data for accepted students. Harvard Medical School Average MCAT (2021) Average MCAT Score – 520 (range 513-525)
What GPA do you need to get into Harvard University?
To get a better sense of that, let’s review the academic data among accepted students: Average GPA: 3.9 Average MCAT score: 519.46 Before you throw your hands up in defeat, consider that while Harvard’s average stats are quite high, not everyone getting in has a 3.9 GPA and 519 MCAT score.
What percentage of applicants to Harvard Medical School are accepted?
Harvard accepted 227 applicants or 24\% of applicants interviewed. There were 165 medical school matriculants. The overall Harvard Medical School acceptance rate is 3.3\%. Harvard accepts international and out of state students.
Is a 511 MCAT score good for med school?
MCAT scores by school vary, but US medical school application statistics are pretty clear. AMCAS GPA MCAT stats show a 3.7 GPA and MCAT score of 511 will likely result in med school admission. Skip to content WE ♥YOUR CLICKS Support Us By Using Our Links When You Purchase