What are some of the biggest corruption scandals in the world?
Spain’s largest corruption scandal: Gürtel 11. Venezuela’s currencies of corruption 12. The Panama Papers 13. Maldives: a paradise lost 14. Teodorín Obiang’s #LuxuryLiving in Equatorial Guinea 15. How the Gupta family captured South Africa through bribery 16. Lebanon’s garbage: the stench of corruption 17.
What is the most corrupt country in the world 2021?
Most Corrupt Countries 2021 Country Corruption Score 2021 Population New Zealand 87 4,860,643 Denmark 87 5,813,298 Finland 86 5,548,360 Singapore 85 5,896,686
How does the CPI define corruption?
The CPI defines corruption as “the misuse of public power for private benefit.” Through this report, 180 countries are ranked on a scale from 0 to 100. The lower the score, the more corrupt a country is perceived to be.
Is there a way to measure corruption?
While there isn’t a surefire way to measure corruption within a nation, data can be used to rank countries that are seen as the most corrupt. For instance, the Corruption Perceptions Index, which was initially launched in 1995, uses expert assessments and opinion surveys to determine how corrupt a country is.
What is the Siemens scandal?
In 2006, however, it became clear that Siemens, one of Germany’s biggest companies, was taking corporate bribery to a whole new level. For over a decade, it paid bribes to government officials and civil servants around the world, amounting to approximately US$1.4 billion.
Is social media all that matters in a celebrity scandal?
In today’s day and age, celeb scandals happen left and right. And let’s face it, we often think that those select elites flighting across social media platforms is all that matters — for a few days at least! But usually, as soon as we all get sucked into the drama, there’s a new feud for us to sink our teeth into.
How long does it take to investigate a government scandal?
Very complex investigations and fact patterns that previously took as long as three to four years to complete were substantially completed in record breaking time. Federal prosecutors and agents from the FBI, Postal Inspection Service, and IRS recognized that they would need to respond quickly to the scandals.