Can your astral body travel beyond time and space?
Your Astral Body can travel beyond time and space. Successful astral travel depends on the level of astral projection experience a person has, along with how prepared a person is for the different experiences that he may encounter.
What is the best time of day to astral travel?
Some say that it’s easier to reach the necessary state of relaxation and heightened awareness around dawn. Yet it is possible to astral travel at any time so there are no hard and fast rules. It is a personal preference or simply astral traveling when we feel empowered to do it.
What is astastral travel?
Astral Travel or Projection, are terms used to describe the ‘out of body experience’. The existence of the Astral Plane and the Astral body is recorded in texts and esoteric material pre-dating cultures as ancient as the Phoenician, Chaldean and Sumerian.
Does the astral plane exist?
The existence of the Astral Plane and the Astral body is recorded in texts and esoteric material pre-dating cultures as ancient as the Phoenician, Chaldean and Sumerian.
What are some astral travel tips?
In order to prevent this from happening to you, here are some astral travel tips: Ensure that you are in good health. If you have a weak body, it can affect your ability to astrally project. You should have a strong desire to astrally travel. It is important to have the intention and desire to leave your body and visit the astral realms.
How do I project my Astral Body?
There are different methods for how to project your astral body. The important thing to remember is to be relaxed, and to clear your mind when you do it. You can begin by imagining yourself pulling on and climbing up a rope, seeing your astral body as it is pulled out of your physical body, as you climb further up the rope.