Why should I use elixir?
Main features of Elixir Elixir has access to all the concurrency tools that Erlang has access to, making it one of the most powerful modern languages for building scalable, distributed systems. Elixir has Ruby-like syntax. Erlang VM solves both of these problems, and, therefore, Elixir is the best of both worlds.
Does Elixir become popular?
According to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey, since its release back in 2011, Elixir has become the most loved programming language. Also, more and more companies are looking to adopt Elixir in the coming years, hence the demand to hire Elixir developers is also expected to further increase.
What are actions in phoenixphoenix controller?
Phoenix controllers act as intermediary modules. Their functions – called actions – are invoked from the router in response to HTTP requests. The actions, in turn, gather all the necessary data and perform all the necessary steps before invoking the view layer to render a template or returning a JSON response.
What are the two parameters of a request in Phoenix?
Each of these actions takes two parameters, which will be provided by Phoenix behind the scenes. The first parameter is always conn, a struct which holds information about the request such as the host, path elements, port, query string, and much more. conn, comes to Phoenix via Elixir’s Plug middleware framework.
How to render text in controllers in Phoenix?
Controllers have several ways of rendering content. The simplest is to render some plain text using the text/2 function which Phoenix provides. For example, let’s rewrite the show action from PageController to return text instead. For that, we could do the following.
Do I need a Phoenix view to render a text/2 function?
It is worth noting that the text/2, json/2, and html/2 functions require neither a Phoenix view, nor a template to render. The json/2 function is obviously useful for writing APIs, and the other two may come in handy, but most of the times we use Phoenix views to build our responses. For this, Phoenix provides the render/3 function.