What currency would an independent Scotland use?
pound sterling
meanwhile Scotland will use the pound sterling as the currency (“sterlingisation”). If we do this, any government borrowing to finance fiscal deficits will be in a foreign country’s currency – the rUK’s pound sterling.
Is Scotland a part of Schengen?
No. The United Kingdom is not part of the Schengen zone and therefore you are not allowed to enter the UK with a Schengen visa. UK residents might need to apply for a Schengen visa if they want to travel from the UK to other countries in the EU.
When did the UK leave the Schengen Agreement?
As of January 1, 2021, the United Kingdom is officially a no longer a member of the European Union and its relationship to the Schengen Agreement remains unchanged. The Schengen visa does not give you permission to travel to the UK, but Schengen travel assurance from Europ Assistance covers you!
Why isn’t Scotland in the Schengen Agreement?
New members of the EU have to sign up to the Schengen Agreement unless they have a pre-existing freedom of movement agreement with a nation that isn’t in Schengen (this is why Ireland isn’t in it – it has a long-standing free movement deal with the UK). It isn’t legally possible for the EU to refuse Scotland the same deal.
Can the EU refuse Scotland the same deal as the UK?
It isn’t legally possible for the EU to refuse Scotland the same deal. So freedom of movement with rUK will be maintained despite being in the EU whilst also having the same freedom of movement of people, goods and finance we enjoyed as part of the EU before Brexit – but without Schengen.
Does the UK have to join the Schengen zone?
As noted above, the UK does not have to join the Schengen system. This special status is secured by a legally binding Protocol to the EU Treaties, which was negotiated as part of the Treaty of Amsterdam. If the UK decides to remain in the EU in the forthcoming referendum, this would not mean that the UK would be required to join Schengen,
Why does the UK need to check if someone is Schengen?
Because of the UK’s opt-out from the main part of Schengen, it can still check people coming from the rest of the EU to see if they are entitled to enter the UK or not.