How can the universe have no beginning?
They found that it’s possible that the universe had no beginning — that it has always existed into the infinite past and only recently evolved into what we call the Big Bang.
What theory states that life has no beginning and no end?
‘ The new model – in which our universe has no beginning and no end – comes from Ahmed Farag Ali at Benha University in Egypt and coauthor Saurya Das at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada. Their paper looks at a result derived from Einstein’s theory of general relativity known as the Raychaudhuri equation.
Does something have to be created in order to exist?
Something can exist but never be created, until we know what lead to its creation. We humans have this notion that if there exist something than someone or some phenomena must have created that thing.
Can the Universe Create Itself?
No. The universe cannot form itself. Nothing from nothing is nothing.
Does time have to have a beginning?
If time is like a torus, it may be cyclical in nature, rather than having always existed or coming into existence a finite amount of time ago. But in our quest for the beginning, we know already that time couldn’t have started with the Big Bang. In fact, it might not have had a beginning at all.
What is something that never begins but does end?
We can also have something which never begins, but does end. For example, the sequence of rational numbers between zero and up to and including 1. (It ends at 1,but there is no smallest positive smallest rational). Also, a sequence which never begins nor ends, such as all the rationals.
Do things have to have a beginning and end?
But if you think deeper, you may realize that the notion of beginnings and ends as fundamental properties is neither obvious nor universal. A circle has no beginning, nor an end, and yet it exists. The same applies to the surface of any solid geometrical object. So it’s clear that topologically things don’t require a beginning or end to exist.
Does God have a beginning and end?
God has no beginning or end, yet it is argued that God exists. Whether God does exist is not important for this exercise. But the larger/deeper construct itself may also be a construct of necessity or of contingency.
Does the universe have a beginning and an end?
Any notions of beginnings and ends that we know of are contingent or arbitrary; they rely on preexisting conditions and have no beginning or end in isolation from everything else. The only possible exception we may think of is the universe itself.