Why is it better to try to get most of your nutrients including vitamins and minerals from food sources rather than supplements?
There were several key findings: Adequate intakes of vitamin A, K, zinc, and magnesium — from food, not supplements — were linked to a lower risk of death. Adequate intakes of vitamin A, vitamin K, and zinc — from foods, not supplements — were associated with a lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease.
Is it better for your health to consume vitamins minerals in food or take a vitamin mineral supplement Why or why not?
While taking a general ‘broad-spectrum’ vitamin and mineral supplement ‘just in case’ poses little health risk, and may benefit a person whose diet is restricted and lacks variety, taking vitamin and mineral supplements instead of eating a nutritious diet is not recommended.
Why do nutrition authorities recommend foods as the source of calcium rather than supplements?
Another reason it may be better to get calcium from food than from supplements is because some people experience side effects from calcium supplements, including gas, bloating and constipation. High calcium taken in supplement form, but not from food, has been associated with increased risk of kidney stones.
Why is it recommended to obtain antioxidants from foods rather than supplements?
Getting antioxidants from food rather than supplements is much safer and healthier. All foods contain different antioxidants in varying amounts, so it’s important to include a variety of foods in your diet.
What nutrients does your body need?
Macronutrients include water, protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Keep reading for more information about where to find these nutrients, and why a person needs them. The six essential nutrients are vitamins, minerals, protein, fats, water, and carbohydrates.
Is it better to eat or take vitamins?
In many instances, the vitamins and minerals found in food sources are easier to absorb than those in supplement form. With the added benefit of the other nutrients found in food, eating healthily gives far greater benefits than opting for supplements and eating poorly.
What are the benefits of vitamins and minerals?
Vitamins and minerals are considered essential nutrients—because acting in concert, they perform hundreds of roles in the body. They help shore up bones, heal wounds, and bolster your immune system. They also convert food into energy, and repair cellular damage.
Why is it better to get vitamins from food?
Is it better to get your calcium from food?
Dietary calcium is better than supplements at protecting bone health. Women who get most of their daily calcium from food have healthier bones than women whose calcium comes mainly from supplemental tablets, say researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.
Why are antioxidants so important?
1 of 5 Antioxidants: Why are they important? Antioxidants are substances that may protect your cells against free radicals, which may play a role in heart disease, cancer and other diseases. Free radicals are molecules produced when your body breaks down food or when you’re exposed to tobacco smoke or radiation.
What is the most effective antioxidant?
As mentioned above, a-tocopherol is well recognized and accepted as the nature’s most effective lipid-soluble, chain-breaking antioxidant, protecting cellular membranes from being attacked by lipid peroxyl radicals. Vitamin E prevents the propagation of lipid peroxyl radicals in cellular membranes.