Can you do a correlation with yes or no?
Ordinary Pearson correlation will work (where nominal variable is coded something like 1 = Yes, 0 = No) as long as the nominal variable has only two levels.
What type of data is a yes or no question?
Remember that nominal data are categorical data without any order of value. Two good examples of nominal data are “yes-no” and “true-false” answers on a survey.
Does scaling data affect correlation?
Since the formula for calculating the correlation coefficient standardizes the variables, changes in scale or units of measurement will not affect its value. For this reason, the correlation coefficient is often more useful than a graphical depiction in determining the strength of the association between two variables.
Is correlation sensitive to scale of data?
While correlation value is always between -1 and 1 and is insensitive to the scale of the variables. Correlation value tells about the strength as well as direction of the relationship.
What test should be used in finding the relation between the yes and no scale and Likert’s scale?
Most recent answer I would recommend a Chi-square test. The dichotomous variable is clearly categorical, and unlike other opinions a Likert-type response scale is also categorical.
How do you correlate two nominal variables?
Crosstabulation (also known as contingency or bivariate tables) is commonly used to examine the relationship between nominal variables Chi Square tests-of-independence are widely used to assess relationships between two independent nominal variables.
How do you do a yes or no survey?
Scoring a Yes/No survey is the easy part. You simply need to tally the Yes and No responses for each question for all the participants and divide it by the total number of participants to get the percentages of Yes and No for each question.
Is yes or no ordinal data?
In research activities a YES/NO scale is nominal. It has no order and there is no distance between YES and NO. and statistics. The statistics which can be used with nominal scales are in the non-parametric group.
Can you correlate different scales?
1 Answer. Yes, it is perfectly valid to conduct a Pearson’s correlation between variables with different scales. The correlation coefficient is a standardized measure, so it is not influenced by scale.
Is the Pearson correlation scale invariant?
According to wikipedia, pearson correlation is scale and location invariant.
Which correlation should I use?
Pearson correlation coefficient is most appropriate for measurements taken from an interval scale, While the Spearman correlation coefficient is more appropriate for measurements taken from ordinal scales. If not, Spearman’s CC should be used, even if data is in a interval scale.
Can I use Chi Square for Likert scale?
In general, don’t use Chi-square for Likert items.
Is there a stat package for yes-no questions?
Remember that the the variance for a yes-no question is simply computed from n, p, and q, where p=probability of yes and q=1-p. (It’s p* (1-p)/n.) Because of that, a stat package or variance computation at the case-level is not needed to compute variance or test significance with yes-no questions.
Is yesyes no option a good way to do category research?
yes no option is very ow category research. You can no doubt use chi square for that but i think if you will convert that data into ordinal by assigning yes and no with numbers say 0 and 1 and so, you can easily use t test for comparison which will be more relable and explainable.
Is it possible to do a Likert type study on a scale?
However, in my experience, it is is rare for such studies to be based on a single Likert type question. Do you have only one? Your scale has only 3 levels so it’s very unlikely to be conducive to any kind of regular least squares analysis. You cannot treat it as continuous.
How to find the number of Yes and no answers?
The normal approach would be to tabulate the number of yes & no answers, than for each item apply a t-test for difference in proportions. I often do that with an online calculator, where you just enter number of cases and number yes for each of the 2 groups, but I’m sure you also could do it in a stat package; this is the binomial distribution.