What is considered a good salary in Finland?
Salaries in Finland are generally good, with yearly salaries ranging between €7,679 and €259,222. The median salary stands at €54,564 per annum.
Is 60k a good salary in Finland?
Original question: “Is €60000 per year (before taxes) a good salary to live comfortably in Espoo, Finland for one person?” The short answer is yes, it’s well above the median salary (39 000 €) and even that is enough for comfortable living, so you wouldn’t have any problems.
What is the average annual income in Finland?
Finland Annual Household Income per Capita reached 26,496.863 USD in Dec 2019, compared with the previous value of 27,495.004 USD in Dec 2018. Finland Annual Household Income per Capita data is updated yearly, available from Dec 1987 to Dec 2019, with an averaged value of 22,156.697 USD.
Is 6000 euros a good salary in Finland?
In general, Finns’ definitions of high-income earners vary more than those of low-income earners. One in five Finns estimate that monthly earnings of 6,000 euros qualify you as a high-income earner, while one in three would draw the line at 5,000 euros and one in four at 4,000 euros.
Are salaries in Finland high?
According to Statistics Finland’s Structure of Earnings statistics, the median for total earnings of full-time wage and salary earners was € 3,139 per month in 2019. Of the regions, median earnings were highest in Helsinki-Uusimaa (3,441 euros) and lowest in South Savo (2,829 euros).
How much money do I need to live in Finland?
Family of four estimated monthly costs are 3,336$ (2,946€) without rent. A single person estimated monthly costs are 915$ (808€) without rent. Cost of living in Finland is, on average, 3.65\% higher than in United States. Rent in Finland is, on average, 38.21\% lower than in United States.
What is the best job in Finland?
Therefore, teachers with international backgrounds would have more chances in this field.
- Nursing. Healthcare service in Finland is of a high standard, so as nursing education.
- Programming and Web Developing.
Is housing expensive in Finland?
Housing costs vary a lot in Finland. On average, about one-fifth of Finns’ net income goes to housing. However, rents vary in the range of €10–30 per m². The average cost of owner-occupied homes in Finland is €2,100 per m², but homes are much more expensive in large cities.