Can an individual transfer trademark to company?
Every owner of a trademark owner who wishes to transfer his/her right with regard to its trademark can do so either by trademark licensing or trademark assignment which is governed under the Trademark Act, 1999.
Do I need both LLC and trademark?
If you have already incorporated or formed an LLC for your business, you should register your trademark under the umbrella of the corporation or LLC. While the process of registering a trademark is more involved than registering a DBA, rights to your name will be enforced by both federal and state governments.
Can trademark be transferred without consideration?
The transmission or assignment of the trademark can be done with or without transferring the goodwill of the business. The assignment can also be done for either some or all of the goods or services for which the trademark has been assigned.
Can trademark be sold?
The owner of any trademark can sell it to any individual or legal entity through the process of trademark assignment. By doing so, the owner can assign the right of his trademark to the individual or entity. For the trademark assignment, either the assignor or assignee needs to apply.
What is an individual trademark?
A trademark exclusively identifies a product as belonging to a specific company and recognizes the company’s ownership of the brand. Trademarks are generally considered a form of intellectual property and may or may not be registered.
Can I trademark my business name for free?
You can not register a trademark for free. However, you can establish something known as a “common law trademark” for free, simply by opening for business. The benefit of relying on common law trademark rights is that it’s free, and you don’t need to do any specific work filling out forms, etc.
Can two names be trademarked?
Since trademark law is intended to protect consumers from being confused or deceived by the use of a particular trademark, everyone cannot claim rights in the same surnames simply because it is their actual surname or chaos and confusion would ensue.
How many trademarks can I have?
Only one mark per application It should come as no surprise that one trademark application can cover only one mark. In other words, you may not register multiple trademarks in a single application.