Is tracking point out of business?
TrackingPoint has fallen on hard times and is no longer selling its $27,500 sniper rifles with digital smartscopes. “Due to financial difficulty TrackingPoint will no longer be accepting orders,” said the Texas-based gunmaker on its web site. “Thank you to our customers and loyal followers for sharing in our vision.”
How much does a tracking point cost?
Tracking Point charges from $22,500 to $27,500 for the different versions of its bolt-action rifle, which has a five-round magazine using .
What are TrackingPoint guns?
TrackingPoint’s precision guided firearms system uses several component technologies: Networked Tracking Scope: The core engine that tracks the target, calculates range and the ballistic solution, and works in concert with the shooter and guided trigger to release the shot.
What is TrackingPoint and how does it work?
To theoretically take human error out of the equation, TrackingPoint married a rifle’s trigger with the digital scope, so that the rifle wouldn’t fire after the trigger was pulled until the crosshair was precisely in line with the tag.
How much does a targettrackingpoint rifle cost?
TrackingPoint ‘s technology, which could even be used to tag, track, and shoot moving targets, was sold to civilians, but it had a lofty price tag. Their first bolt-action rifles sold for $22,500 to $27,500. In early 2014, a line of MSRs priced at $9,950 was introduced.
When did TrackingPoint enter the MSR market?
In 2013, TrackingPoint leaped into the MSR market with rifles that could engage multiple targets at the same time.
How does wind drift affect TrackingPoint’s shooting system?
For example, someone using TrackingPoint’s shooting system still has to estimate wind drift, which can push a bullet far off course at long ranges.