What are the best technical events ideas for a college fest?
If you are a business student or are managing a business school, technical events ideas for college fest should focus more on skills that hone their marketing acumen. Students could be asked to sell tickets and the one with record sales can be honored and awarded at the end of the college fest.
How can eventurbo help you run a successful college fest?
You can turn such technical events ideas for college fest into big events that can be broadcast on social media. Eventurbo can help you manage attendees via easy check-ins, walk-in registrations, and custom forms & questionnaires. What you get is complete event support. Eventurbo is much more than just an event management platform.
Do technical events really work?
Technical events ideas always work if they are planned well. Event management platforms give you the flexibility to do more via services that help in every stage of the event. There are several issues that we are currently dealing with on a political or social level.
What are the best techno management events in Asia?
Asia’s oldest techno-management festival held at IIT (BHU) Varanasi. This three days event comprises of various events including, workshops, competitions, guest lectures from well-known personalities and some social outreach initiatives. The name Technex comes from Tech nical Nex tgeneration. 1. FMC Weekend Event Date: November 2021.
What is techfest and how does it work?
Every year almost every engineering college in India organizes TechFest – an event comprising of technical events, competitions, paper presentation competitions, seminar presentations and so on.
What are some of the recent tech fests in India?
Recent tech fest IIT Bombay had organised techfest from 14 to 16 December where lot of technical events took place. Doting down some of them – Hiring challenges looks like an interesting event for college fest.
Which branch is the best for conducting a technical fest?
The Computer Science Branch attracts a crowd who loves events related to Artificial Intelligence or programming events. The candidates who are organising the fest for the CS Branch can opt for the following ideas: Mechanical Branch is the most fantastic branch to conduct a technical fest and it may attract a lot of crowds.