How do you reply to thank you in Farsi?
you can respond khubam, merci, kheyli mamnoon (I’m fine, thank you). Many people don’t even say khubam (I’m fine). They give a simple merci or another ‘thank you’.
How do you respond to Merci in Farsi?
Mersi (مرسی) or Merci You can use the French loan word, Merci – pronounced “mer-see” with a rolled r. It is an informal term which is used commonly within Farsi-speaking communities. As a response, you may hear khahesh mikonam (خواهش میکنم) meaning “you’re welcome”.
What does kheili mamnoon mean?
Greetings and basics in Farsi You can emphasize with “kheyli mamnoon (خیلی ممنون)”, which means “thanks a lot”.
What does Sepas mean in Farsi?
1- Sepas : the real Persian word for “thank you/thanks”- it is not used widely but many people have embraced it in their day to day communications. 2-Manmnun: it is probably a loanword for “thank you/thanks” – it is widely used as an informal expression of gratitude; its formal version would be: mamnun-am.
What is welcome Persian?
Persian (Farsi) translation: khosh ‘Amadid, khosh ‘umadi; khush ‘umdadin (plural)
What does Eshgham mean?
Eshgham means “my love” and is another term of affection that can be romantic or not.
What does Shoma mean in Persian?
I love you
The term means ” I love you”
What does dokhtar mean in Farsi?
daughter (literally girl)
Do they say merci in Iran?
Say “merci” (mərsɪ). This term may seem like it’s French, and it is, but it’s actually quite commonly used in Persian as well! Merci is written as مرسی in the Persian alphabet. While it’s not originally Persian and you may be confused on why you’d use French, the word is quite useful, especially in Iran.
What is the correct way to say thank you in Persian?
Say “moteshakeram” (mɔtəʃækəræm). A formal way of saying “thank you”, it’s written as متشکرم in Persian. Most people think that this phrase sounds like Arabic, the reason being that “moteshakeram” is the latest version of “mochakeram” and as it’s clear, the letter “چ” (ch) is replaced because it doesn’t exist in Arabic alphabet.
How do you write Merci in Persian?
Merci is written as مرسی in the Persian alphabet. While it’s not originally Persian and you may be confused on why you’d use French, the word is quite useful, especially in Iran. 3
How do you Say Hello in Persian in English?
Salâm is probably the most routine way to say “hello,” but since it’s an Arabic-rooted word, many Iranians opt to use the authentically Persian dorood. Choose whichever you like (or whichever is easier to remember). There’s no English translation for this because it’s a cultural phrase rooted in Iranian taarof.
How do you say ‘mochaker’ in Persian?
Say “mochakeram” (mɔtʃækəræm). This is a Persian derivative of “moteshakeram”. Written as مچکرم in Persian, it’s considered informal slang, and isn’t commonly used. You can also remove “am” (meaning “I am”) and say “mochaker”, but this is a very friendly word.