Why do Americans say hundreds instead of thousand?
It states that the word derives from the Old Norse, where there were two variants, one indicating 100 and the other 120. Although this latter seems to have been employed relatively rarely in English, it illustrates that ‘a hundred’ was seen as an entity in itself rather than a subdivision of ‘a thousand’.
Why do Americans say numbers wrong?
Because they are taught in school not to say ‘and’, which is reserved for the decimal point. So ‘one hundred and two tenths’=’100.2′. Actually, Americans in practice say ‘point’ and ‘100.2’ is read ‘one hundred point two’ but that is not what is taught in elementary school.
Do Americans say a hundred or one hundred?
“Three-ninety-four.” or “Three-nine-four.” Note: When a cheque (or check) is written, the number 100 is always written “one hundred”. It is never “a hundred”. In American English, many students are taught, not to use the word and anywhere in the whole part of a number, so it is not used before the tens and ones.
Is it right to say Eleventh hundred?
Both are correct. I would say “eleven hundred” for “1100” and “one thousand, one hundred” for “1,100.”
What is the difference between hundred and hundreds?
Both the words ‘hundred’ and ‘hundreds’ are correct. As a noun ‘hundred’ means ‘ a number equal to 10 times 10’.. Being a noun plural form is ‘hundreds’..But simply ‘ hundred’ is also acceptable.. You can say ‘ three hundred’ or ‘three hundreds’..
Can you say fifteen hundred?
Because there are fifteen hundreds: 15 00, people say ‘fifteen hundred’. Because it is one thousand and 500: 1 500, people say ‘one thousand five hundred’ ( no hyphen).
Why do Americans not use thousands?
So, to rephrase the question slightly, “Why do some English speakers say ‘eleven hundred’ instead of ‘one-thousand-one hundred? ‘” Answer: Because English is large and it contains multitudes.
Do Americans use K for thousand?
The letter “k” does not represent a thousand as such, but only as a prefix indicating multiplication by one thousand, as in “km” for “kilometer”, standing for 1,000 meters.
What is the difference between hundred and one hundred?
Which one you use is mostly a matter of preference, although a hundred appears more frequently than one hundred. There is also another form, an hundred, which was common in the past, but has mostly fallen out of use. The second or third version is correct in my opinion. According to a vs.
Why are British and American numbers different?
British dates are written and said in the order day, then month, and then year. American dates are written and said month, then day, then year, usually without extra words and with simple cardinal numbers (“12/22/1978” and “December twenty two nineteen seventy eight”).
What is the meaning of eleven hundred?
One thousand one hundred
Filters. One thousand one hundred. numeral.
Is there such a thing as 10 hundred?
Ten hundred is just 10 times 100. So just multiply them, you should get one thousand, or 1000. Ten hundred is just one (confusing) way of saying one thousand.