What is the Spanish expression for the number 21?
Number | English (pronunciation) | Spanish (pronunciation) |
21 | twenty-one (twen-tee-ONE) | veintiuno (Veh-een-tee-oo-no) |
22 | twenty-two (twen-tee-TOO) | veintidós (Veh-een-tee-DOS) |
23 | twenty-three (twen-tee-THREE) | veintitrés (Veh-een-tee-TRACE) |
24 | twenty-four (twen-tee-FOR) | veinticuatro (Veh-een-tee-KWAT-ro) |
How do you set the time in Spanish?
Here’s how to tell the time in Spanish if the time is on the hour: Es la una….Different ways of telling time in Spanish
- es/son + las + hour + number of minutes – Son las tres diez.
- es/son + las + hour + y + number of minutes – Son las tres y diez.
- es/son + las + hour + con + number of minutes – Son las tres con diez.
How do you say it is 2 45 in Spanish?
Son las tres menos cuarto. It’s two forty-five (2:45).
How do you say 21 in Spanish feminine?
The word for “21” used as a noun in Spanish “veintiuno.” If you are using it as an adjective, you can modify it to agree with the gender of the word it’s describing: veintiuno (masculine) veintiuna (feminine)
How do you spell 21 in words?
21 in words is written as Twenty One.
How do you say 2 45pm in Spanish?
Son las tres menos cuarto. It’s two forty-five (2:45). Son las tres menos diez.
How do you say 11/15 in English?
And we do NOT say “It’s eleven-fifteen o’clock” (11:15). We only say “o’clock” at the exact hour. For example, “It’s four o’clock” (4:00). Or “It’s eight o’clock” (8:00).
How do you say it is 12 45 in Spanish?
It’s 12:45 (quarter to one). Es la una menos cuarto.
How do you say 6 15?
It’s six oh five. It’s quarter past 6. It’s six fifteen. It’s half past 6.
How do you Say am and pm in Spanish?
Most Spanish speakers do not use “AM” or “PM.” To specify the period of the day you should add de la mañana (in the morning), de la tarde (in the afternoon), or de la noche (in the evening): Es la una de la mañana. It’s 1:00 in the morning.
Why do Spanish people say 4/40 on the clock?
Spanish-speaking people think with a different concept when telling time on the left side of the clock. When we say 4:40 we are referring to the last hour that was passed on the clock (4 was the last hour and 5 is the next hour coming up).
How do you tell what time it is in Spanish?
To tell someone what time it is use this formula: son + las + the hour. Note: It’s also acceptable to write times in numerical format in Spanish. (e.g. Son las 7:00).
How do you say five minutes to four in Spanish?
3.45 – a quarter to four in Spanish: son las cuatro menos cuarto 3.55 – five minutes to four in Spanish is: son las cuatro menos cinco